The GBMSL "Triple Crown" Teams
The "Triple Crown" title is awarded to teams within GBMSL that have taken all 3 titles within their division as specified below.
This recognition was not available until 2002 for Tyke division as a final Playoff game was never played until then.
In 2003 the Mite division added a final Playoff game making the title available there.
For Squirt, Peewee, Bantam and Midget divisions the introduction of the Mid-Season tournaments in 2003 allowed the title to be declared in those divisions as well.
Tyke: Regular Season Champions, Playoff Tournament Champions (A or B) & Playoff Champions (Mary Anne Leonard Memorial)
Mite: Regular Season Champions, Mid-Season Tournament (A or AA) & Playoff Champions (Darren Laycock Memorial)
Squirt, Peewee, Bantam and Midget: Mid-Season Tournament Champions (A or AA), Regular Season Champions & Playoff Champions
This trophy is provided by and is sponsored & updated annually by Keith Chapman Financial Services

The Teams
2002- Victoria Harbour- Tyke 3- Coach: Keith Chapman
The Players: Brady Arts, David Brady, Laura Brady, Nicolas Chapman, Brandon Cunningham, Tyler Cascagnette, Dylan Duncan, Honey Kennedy, Jacob Marion, Maggi Oliver, Connor Pinkney, Joshua Pinkney, Katelyn Wheeldon
2003- Victoria Harbour- Tyke 3- Coach: Paul Pinkney
The Players: Rebecca Baker, David Brady, Trevor Bressette, Tyler Cascagnette, Gabriella DaSilva, Spencer DeCola, Brent McPherson, Dylan McPherson, Maggi Oliver, Connor Pinkney, Joshua Pinkney, Katelyn Wheeldon
2003- Vasey- Mini-Squirt 1- Coach: Doug Nick
The Players: Joey Balkwill, Ryan Nick, Matthew Laughlin, Andrew Best, Josh Brooks, Krystal Brooks, Melissa McHugh, Millar Shakell, Scott Ritchie, Haylee Lawlor, Camille Smith, Tiffany Edwards
2003- Vasey- Peewee- Coach: Greg Osborne
The Players: Hillary Osborne, Steve Faulkenham, Steve McHugh, Cole Shakell, Derek Jolie, Carl Ferguson, Andrew Reynolds, Logan Matthews, Alyssa Nick, Zaac Pauze, Danielle Pauze, Brandon Simpson
2004- Waubaushene- Bantam- Coach: Jack Switzer
The Players: Nick Colclough, Matt Cousineau, Chris Gouette, Vickey Graham, Tyler Hayes, Matt Hayes, Myles Howe, Steven Kaiser, Joe Moreau, Tim Murphy, Josh O'Hara, Jamie Rodgers, Rhonda Whitten, Peter Fournier
2005- Vasey- Squirt 1- Coach: Doug Nick
The Players: Taylor Bull, Charlie Page, Scott Ritchie, Camille Smith, Brad Wood, Brian Wood, Haylee Lawlor, Ryan Nick, Miller Shakell, Mathew Laughlin, Lierra Marchant, Page Tayler
2005- Victoria Harbour- Peewee 1- Coach: Keith Chapman
The Players: Chris Andrew, Jared Chapman, Morgan Lopers, Alex McArthur, Travis Mills, Michael St.Amant, Ryan Stewart, Brian Valentine, Adam Vassair, John Walsh, Jordan Warnock
2006- Victoria Harbour- Mini-Squirt 2- Coach: Randy Gaines
The Players: Kylie Crawford, Ben Dundas, Nathan Gaines, Jordan Lavallee, Kira Marchand, Brandon McNeill, Dylan McPherson, Randy Penney, Josh Pinkney, Bailey Thompson, Kurtis Thornton, Tyler Walker-Scace
2006- Victoria Harbour- Bantam- Coaches: Keith Chapman & Vern Jolie
The Players: Jared Chapman, Michael Columbus, Joel Duncan, Derek Jolie, Alex McArthur, Travis Mills, Ryan Stewart, Randy Vale, Brian Valentine, Adam Vassair, John Walsh
2007- Elmvale- Tyke 1- Coaches: Trevor Ritchie, Tanya King & Tom McGinnis
The Players: Tristan Doucette, Brody Read, Matthew Clark, Derek Sweeney, Alex Sweeney, Justin Gautreau, Preston Doan, Jacob Fay, Derek O'Neil, Nevin King, Tye King, Owen King, Landon McGinnis, Charlie Flieger & Griffin Williamson
2007- Vasey- Peewee 2- Coaches: Doug Nick, Larry Ritchie & Scott Shakell
The Players: Ryan Nick, Miller Shakell, Haylee Lawlor, Charlie Page, Brad Wood, Brian Wood, Camille Smith, Scott Ritchie, David Nugent, Matt Laughlin, Josh McFarlane, Scott Mason & Thomas Hooper
2007- Vasey- Mini-Squirt- Coach: Terry Ball
The Players: Jared Ball, Nick Edwards, Carlin Nielsen, Max Stewart, Kaitlyn Mills, Colin Nick, Jonah Tinney, Melissa Mosley, Laura Wood, Amanda Mason, Christy Scott, Colter Rumney, Tyler Silk, Simone Smith, Hayden Leeman
2008- Waubaushene- Bantam- Coaches: Pat Rodgers, Peter Brech, Peter Strik, Michelle Bourque & Pitching coach: Dave Mahaffey
The Players: Kevin DeSousa, Justin Kingsbury, Matt Bourque, James Moreau, Stephen Bumstead, Colin Sauve, Stephanie Bourque, Chris Brech, Scott Fournier, Matt Gendron, Stacie Ferguson & Chelsea Strik
2009- Minesing 1- Midget- Coaches: Players coached themselves
The Players: Ryan Bertram, Alex Bryan, James Harris, Jonathon Harris, Kyle Kort, Stephen Nixon, Dillon O'Brien, Nick Graham, Brandon Stafford, Justin Maw, Cam Adams & Sheldon Hargraves
2009- Port McNicoll- Squirt- Coaches: Brian Fulton, T.J. Hurst & Mike Briggs
The Players: Riley Fulton, Andrew Kelly, Sydney Lawrie, Chris White, Mitchell Bird, Austin Sutton, John Hurst, Steven Lusk, Jake Perrault, Danny Doak, Steven Dufour & Jake Reader
2010- Vasey- Mini-Squirt- Coaches: Ed Moriarty, Rob Balkwill & Jim Millington
The Players: Erin Moriarty, Gabe Millington, Nathan Balkwill, Owen Bell, Sean Moriarty, Brandon Kelly, Tyler Gysbers, Thomas Hulton, Ben Brazda, Max McNeill, Alexander Karse & Jessie Carroll
2010-Vasey-Bantam- Coaches: Peter Robinson, Paul Robinson & Bill Whitehead
The Players: Charlie Robinson, Craig Robinson, Justin Robinson, Brady Arts, Nathan Patenaude, Zach Martin, Elyse Murray, Chris Connor, Brian Wood, Tanner Rumney, Zack Whitehead, John Banks & Andrew Page
2011-Minesing-Tyke-Coaches: Pitcher- Ron Rowland, Score Keeper- Amber Currie, Coach- Lesley Richardson, Assistant Coach- All Parents
The Players: Easton Aldebert, Ty Armatage, Ava Currie, Bryson Everton, Cordell Kapteyn, Holly Kapteyn, Jackson Mino, Curtis Palmer-Balkwill, Nathan Robinson, Josh Rowland, Seth Skrypnychuk, Luke Sneddon, Justin Stopay, Lukas VanderVecht
2011- Vasey- Bantam- Coaches: Bill Whitehead & Bob Potter
The Players: Ashley Banks, John Banks, Joey Balkwill, Jared Ball, Whitney Ball, Brody Bull, Spencer DeCola, Scott Mason, Andrew Page, Cody Simpson & Zack Whitehead
2012- Victoria Harbour 3-Tyke- Coaches: Keith Chapman, Kelly Cooper & Matt Gendron- Scorekeeper/Stats: Sandra Chapman- LOTS of Parent help & support!
The Players: Hayden Ainsworth, Allison Bull, Darcy Bull, Rebeccah Cloutier, Dylan Cooper, Matthew Eplett, Skylar Irwin, Drake Jones, Nicolas Lancione, Aarren Primerano & McLean Watson
2012- Vasey- Squirt- Coaches: Ed Moriarty, Frank Brazda & Rob Balkwill
The Players: Sarah Aulde, Nathan Balkwill, Owen Bell, Ben Brazda, Travis Duddy, Ryan Locke, Foster Lohnes, Erin Moriarty, Sean Moriarty, David Rafuse, Nick Rafuse & Devon Reid
2013- Vasey- Peewee- Coaches: Ed Moriarty, Rob Balkwill, Steve Lohnes
The Players: Foster Lohnes, Nathan Balkwill, Sean Moriarty, Ben Brazda, Sophie Shakell, Nick Rafuse, Ryan Locke, Allison Wood, Owen Wood, Aidan McKinstry, Alex Karse, Lindsay Ferrier &Caleb Jarvis
2013- Coldwater- Bantam- Coaches: Ken Wallace, Ken Santala- Manager- Michele Clark
The Players: Kirk Santala, Braden Clark, Brandon Wallace, Ashley Wallace, Jacob Laughlin, Andrew Bateman, Cole Lemay, Alex Petryl, Dominik Petrtyl & Cameron Dickson
2013- Victoria Harbour- Squirt 2- Coaches: Glenn & Cheryl Weatherell & Rick Hunter
The Players: Austin Cooper, Luca DeCola, Joshua Fowler, Ben Hunter, Cody Osborne, Brandon Patton, Cole Scott, Kyle Swales, Kyle Weatherell & Noah Weatherell
2014- Vasey- Peewee- Coaches: Ed Moriarty, Rob Balkwill & Steve Lohnes
The Players: Foster Lohnes, David Rafuse, Nick Rafuse, Travis Duddy, Nathan Balkwill, Sean Moriarty, Erin Moriarty, Owen Bell, Sarah Auld, Breanna Zulak & Carly Davis
2014- Minesing- Bantam- Coaches: Stacey Rowland, Gerri Priest & Lynda Dougherty
The Players: Ben Cole, Curtis Breedon, Travis Rumble, Ben Kuepfer, Noah Featherstonhaugh-Gowe, Jamie-Lee Walker, Noah Rowland, Darren Priest, Andrew Priest, Jackson Porter, Ryan New, Kaiden Maw & Kyle Dougherty
2014- Minesing- Midget- Coaches: Justin Maw, Barb Maw & Melanie Bowen
The Players: Tyler Cole, Steven Bowen, Robert Bowen, Marc Cote, Marcus Sabourin, Brett Lingenfelter, Cameron Breedon, Collin Breedon, Braydon Beamish, Cameron Johnston, Sam Priest, Cameron Adams, Jason Caldwell, Jamieson Giffen, Thomas Scott & Brad Kuepfer
2015- Elmvale- Midget- Coaches: Al Maw & Randy Gaines
The Players: Cody Simpson, Nathan Gaines, Tyler Walker-Scace, Noah Skerritt, Carlin Nielsen, Daylan Teel, Andrew Savo, Stefanie Crawford, Alex Holmes, Thomas Maw, Keagan Kennedy, Brett Todd & Justin Buckle
2015-Minesing- Bantam- Coaches: Stacey Rowland & Gerri Priest
The Players: Curtis Breedon, Eric Cote, Kyle Dougherty, Noah Featherstonhaugh-Gowe, Ben Kuepfer, Jakson Porter, Andrew Priest, Noah Rowland, Travis Rumble & Jake Zaba
2015- Wyevale- Squirt- Coaches: Rick Hales, Dayle Smith & Shannon McGinnis
The Players: Ian Philips, Ryan Kilby, Kaylee Salway, Dustin Hales, Dalton Gauley, Darcy Fay, Brendan Smith, Emma Flewelling, Ethan Barber, Zach Reid, Taylor Derlis, Isaac Lacille & Violet McCanns
2016- Perkinsfield- Mite- Coaches- Trish Larmand, James Downs & Mike deMunnik
The Players: Brooke Browne, Cameron Weishar, Charlie Wright, Drew Robson, Elliot deMunnik, Gage Everson, Isaac Larmand, Josh Hutton, Kate Beasoliel, Lacey Larmand, Mason Downs, Nathan Schaap & Sam Burns
2016- Minesing- Midget- Coaches- Stacey Rowland, Stephen Lefaive & Gerri Priest
The Players: Curtis Breedon, Cameron Breedon, Eric Cote, Noah Featherstonehaugh-Gowe, Ben Kuepfer, Stephen Lefaive, Jackson Porter, Andrew Priest, Darren Priest, Noah Rowand, Travis Rumble & Jake Zaba
2017- Hillsdale- Tyke- Coaches- Jordan Scruton, Renée Scruton, Mike Kelly & Brian Murphy- Junior Coaches- Benjamin Kelly & Nathan Scruton
The Players: Chloé Scruton, Sophie Scruton, Morgan Kelly, Jack Crooker, Elliot Turbach, Hudson King, Kyle Murphy, James MacNeil, Kadin Hall, Alex Suppa, Rhiley Robichaud, Trevor Reynolds & Anderson Lee
2017- Minesing- Midget- Coaches- Stacey Rowland, Gerri Priest, Stephen Lefaive Sr. & Kim Featherstonhaugh
The Players: Noah & Hope Rowland, Noah & Josh FeatherstonhaughGowe, Andrew Priest, Stephen Lefaive Jr., Ben Kuepfer, Jake Zaba, Curtis Breedan, Eric Cote, Jackson Porter & Travis Rumble
2018- Wyebridge- Tyke- Coaches- Duane Homick, Mike de Munnik & Aaron Dion
The Players: Ray Dion, Stuart de Munnik, Greyson Ward, Ryan Bingham, Landen Froud, Broady Radecki, Owen Homick, Brady Ridsdale, Dylan Larmand, Boyd Gerow & Noah Homick